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Energy Committee Minutes 07-28-10
July 28, 2010
Energy Committee minutes taken by:  Martha Broad

                                        Present:                Martha Broad
Paul Vasington
Ted Kirchner

The Energy Committee met at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Creating a comprehensive town energy use database:
Need info re: Sawyer/Emerson school and WWTP electricity and oil use.  Martha will get (see below).  Also, need to engage Shelley to finish compiling data re: other town buildings.
Additional Services from Green Cmties Consultants:  Not clear how much in additional help we can expect from them.  

Action Items


·      Resend all the documents that Felipe circulated around especially the sample 20% reduction plan docs.


·      Check with Linda on whether the Nat Grid accounts from Emerson and Sawyer have been transferred to Bolton.

·      Ask Linda to advertize for more members for the team


·      Will talk to Don Lowe about having the Energy Committee look at the Borrego proposal and if any decisions have been made.

·      Contact Lancaster’s Town Admin to see what they have committed to.

·      Invite Shelly to come to the energy commitee meeting on 7/21


·      Check online records of approved town applications for Green Communities.

·      Will contact Jennifer to make sure we are still getting a draft action plan from Felipe. Can we schedule a meeting with Felipe to review his action plan? Is he still waiting for something from us? Do we even still have time with him?


·      Write up minutes from meeting on April 21st